Pictures of geta bratescu' s-works venge

Pictures of geta bratescu la

Geta Bratescu: List of works - All Artworks by Date 1→ List of works Featured works (7) All Artworks by Date 1→10 (46) abstract (19) installation (11) photo (12) Media embroidery (6) .

pictures of geta bratescu' s-works venge

Pictures of geta bratescu' s-works venge

Discover images by Geta Bratescu from Bridgeman Images archive; a library of millions of art, illustrations, photos and videos.

Pictures of geta bratescu children

View Geta Bratescu’s 95 artworks on artnet.

Pictures of geta bratescu today
Whether drawings, lithographs, collages, book objects, self-portraits, or actions recorded on film or in photographs, her works involve a dramatic construct, an unleashing of rhythms, in which .